Ever since its introduction, Nu Skin’s ageLOC science has created a unique competitive advantage for Nu Skin. By working to discover the genetic secrets of aging, our scientists have gained key insights that we believe will continue to allow us to develop anti-aging products that address aging at its source.
Now let me explain why we believe we can truly dominate the anti-aging industry with ageLOC. It comes down to what we call the ageLOC ‘six-A advantage’ – six exclusive areas where Nu Skin enjoys a competitive advantage.
First A: Aging Gene Databank
The first A refers to our gene knowledge of the aging process and how genes affect aging. We call this A our Aging Gene Databank. With our exclusive scientific partners, we have access to a proprietary aging gene library that shows us how to look for age-related genes. This library took years to create and gives us a head start on the competition. This alone is sufficient to prevent competitors from copying ageLOC any time soon.
Second A: Assets
The second A is Nu Skin’s intellectual Assets. As of today, there are at least 14 patents or patent-pending applications to protect our ageLOC assets. Such assets create a barrier to entry to competitors and we expect to file even more patents in the coming months. With this growing protection, ageLOC will become even more powerful in the future.
Third A: Academic All-Stars
ageLOC will also continue to grow because of our third A – our team of Academic All Stars. From the founders of LifeGen, to professors from leading universities, to our global Scientific Advisory Board, we have truly captured the best minds in aging research. This pool of world-class scientific and academic talent represents the future of ageLOC.
Fourth A: ageLOC Algorithm
The fourth A refers to the ageLOC Algorithm. This may be a difficult word to understand so let me explain. The reason why Google dominates the Internet search business is because it has a special algorithm that allows it to search the Internet quickly and accurately. That’s how they dominate.
Similarly, we have developed an ageLOC biological algorithm that provides a roadmap for how we look at the aging process. With this algorithm, we can more accurately identify age-related genes, categorize them into youth gene clusters, and target and reset them to a more youthful pattern. That’s why ageLOC is so exciting to all our scientists and why we believe we will dominate the industry.
Fifth A: Aging Response Modulators
The fifth advantage is particularly meaningful. Through our unique ageLOC scientific approach, we have created an entirely new category of anti-aging products – we call them Aging Response Modulators, or ARMs for short.
In essence, our ageLOC scientific understanding is enabling us to develop products that promote youthfulness – in essence; we’re rebalancing genetic activity to a more youthful pattern. That’s why ARMs is such a powerful term, and why it’s going to accommodate everything that we are working to develop through the ageLOC scientific approach to product development.
Sixth A: Array of Scientific Expertise
Finally, I like to pay tribute to our scientists with the sixth A. We have an array of scientific expertise that allows us to be known as a world class science-based company. To dominate in this industry, you can’t rely on just one type of scientist – you need an array of experts from different fields of study to understand the holistic approach to anti-aging. Our internal scientific team and members of our Scientific Advisory Board have expertise in areas like pharmacology, cell biology, nutrition, chemistry, dermatology and many more. We have this whole group of scientists coming together and collaborating to help us truly make superior anti-aging products.
I’m confident that with these six areas of competitive advantage, Nu Skin has the technology, tools and expertise to separate itself from the rest of the competition and dominate the anti-aging industry.
posted by
Joe Chang – Chief Scientific Officer