2010年11月23日 星期二
2010年10月6日 星期三
NU SKIN ageLOC 風靡國際企業大獎
NU SKIN 企業集團以其鎖定老化根源之 ageLOC Transformation 煥新套裝,榮獲2010年國際企業大獎的「年度最佳新產品獎」(Best New Product of the Year)。

NU SKIN 企業集團總裁兼執行長賀楚門說:「對NUSKIN來說, ageLOC 是劃時代的產品。 NU SKIN 在2009年的成功在於空前的營收、創新高的直銷主任級直銷商數和 ageLOC 抗老化產品套裝創紀錄的上市表現。在未來幾個月裡,我們可望由內而外運用 ageLOC 科技,推出一系列營養補充品。」
ageLOC ® Transformation 煥新套裝
2009 年 10 月,在為期兩天的 NU SKIN 如新全球直銷商年會上, NU SKIN 銷售出價值 1,700 萬美元的 ageLOC 產品,超過以往任何年會新產品銷售額的兩倍以上。國際企業大獎肯定 NU SKIN 韓國分公司的 ageLOC 產品上市表現,其所產生的 ageLOC 銷售額接近 1,500 萬美元。 NU SKIN 集團首席科研長兼產品開發執行副總裁曾潤海博士說:「藉由專利 ageLOC 科技鎖定老化根源,我們的研發團隊擁有絕對優勢,可以研發出兼具預防及改善老化功效的革命性抗老化產品。在一項由第三方機構執行的 ageLOC Transformation 臨床試驗中,在短短 7 天內,100% 的試驗對象均顯示老化跡象獲得改善。」

NU SKIN 公司同時獲「年度傑出產品開發團隊」和「年度傑出管理團隊」(Management Team of the Year)榮譽獎,其大中華區年會獲得「最佳商展或年會」榮譽獎(Best Tradeshow or Convention)。由 NU SKIN 大中華區分公司及直銷商所創設和援助的「中華兒童心臟病基金」( China Children’s Heart Fund ) 也獲得「亞洲年度最佳企業社會責任計劃」( Corporate Social Responsibility Program of the Year in Asia ) 榮譽獎的肯定。這些受獎者都是從來自 40 多個國家超過 1,700 個參選團體及個人中挑選出來的。
大中華地區當季的營收增加 53%,達 8 千 6 百萬美元,匯率波動影響上揚 2%。台灣和香港兩地市場的營收成長 18%。 NU SKIN 大中華地區年會在香港舉行,於年會中上市的 ageLOC 煥新套裝使得香港 NU SKIN 的業績增加了 162%。大中華地區直銷主任級直銷商人數成長 37% 而開始積極活動的直銷商人數增加了 11%。
關於 國際企業大獎
素有「商業界奧斯卡獎」的 Stevie® Awards 的暱稱 “Stevie”,在希臘文中為“加冕”的意思。Stevie® Awards 包括四大獎類:美國企業大獎 ( American Business Awards )、國際企業大獎 ( International Business Awards )、Stevie 國際企業傑出女性大獎 ( Stevie Awards for Women in Business )、和 Stevie 銷售及客戶服務大獎 ( Stevie Awards for Sales & Customer Service )。Stevie® Awards 的宗旨在於表揚全球各領域中表現傑出的各類型及規模的企業與其幕後人員。...www.stevieawards.com
關於 NUSKIN 集團
NU SKIN 集團不斷透過優異的抗老化產品、獨立的事業機會與其肩負的企業社會責任,展現其追求創新的傳統。 NU SKIN 在護膚和營養保健領域的科學領導地位,已將其打造為抗老化的先驅。其獨一無二直擊老化根源的 ageLOC ™ 技術即為最佳明證。 NU SKIN 以 ageLOC 科技為抗老化產品的特色, ageLOC 系列包含 ageLOC 精華液和 ageLOC 版離子導入美容儀第二代,以及活顏超級青春源液和頂級如沛。做為一家全球直銷公司,如新在全世界50個市場營運,擁有超過 785,000 個獨立業務代表。 NU SKIN 集團以代碼“NUS”在紐約證交所上市。如欲瞭解更多有關如新集團的資訊,請登入:http://www.nuskin.com
2010年9月30日 星期四
2010年9月14日 星期二
Six Reasons Why Nu Skin Will Dominate the Anti-Aging Industry

Ever since its introduction, Nu Skin’s ageLOC science has created a unique competitive advantage for Nu Skin. By working to discover the genetic secrets of aging, our scientists have gained key insights that we believe will continue to allow us to develop anti-aging products that address aging at its source.
Now let me explain why we believe we can truly dominate the anti-aging industry with ageLOC. It comes down to what we call the ageLOC ‘six-A advantage’ – six exclusive areas where Nu Skin enjoys a competitive advantage.
First A: Aging Gene Databank
The first A refers to our gene knowledge of the aging process and how genes affect aging. We call this A our Aging Gene Databank. With our exclusive scientific partners, we have access to a proprietary aging gene library that shows us how to look for age-related genes. This library took years to create and gives us a head start on the competition. This alone is sufficient to prevent competitors from copying ageLOC any time soon.
Second A: Assets
The second A is Nu Skin’s intellectual Assets. As of today, there are at least 14 patents or patent-pending applications to protect our ageLOC assets. Such assets create a barrier to entry to competitors and we expect to file even more patents in the coming months. With this growing protection, ageLOC will become even more powerful in the future.
Third A: Academic All-Stars
ageLOC will also continue to grow because of our third A – our team of Academic All Stars. From the founders of LifeGen, to professors from leading universities, to our global Scientific Advisory Board, we have truly captured the best minds in aging research. This pool of world-class scientific and academic talent represents the future of ageLOC.
Fourth A: ageLOC Algorithm
The fourth A refers to the ageLOC Algorithm. This may be a difficult word to understand so let me explain. The reason why Google dominates the Internet search business is because it has a special algorithm that allows it to search the Internet quickly and accurately. That’s how they dominate.
Similarly, we have developed an ageLOC biological algorithm that provides a roadmap for how we look at the aging process. With this algorithm, we can more accurately identify age-related genes, categorize them into youth gene clusters, and target and reset them to a more youthful pattern. That’s why ageLOC is so exciting to all our scientists and why we believe we will dominate the industry.
Fifth A: Aging Response Modulators
The fifth advantage is particularly meaningful. Through our unique ageLOC scientific approach, we have created an entirely new category of anti-aging products – we call them Aging Response Modulators, or ARMs for short.
In essence, our ageLOC scientific understanding is enabling us to develop products that promote youthfulness – in essence; we’re rebalancing genetic activity to a more youthful pattern. That’s why ARMs is such a powerful term, and why it’s going to accommodate everything that we are working to develop through the ageLOC scientific approach to product development.
Sixth A: Array of Scientific Expertise
Finally, I like to pay tribute to our scientists with the sixth A. We have an array of scientific expertise that allows us to be known as a world class science-based company. To dominate in this industry, you can’t rely on just one type of scientist – you need an array of experts from different fields of study to understand the holistic approach to anti-aging. Our internal scientific team and members of our Scientific Advisory Board have expertise in areas like pharmacology, cell biology, nutrition, chemistry, dermatology and many more. We have this whole group of scientists coming together and collaborating to help us truly make superior anti-aging products.
I’m confident that with these six areas of competitive advantage, Nu Skin has the technology, tools and expertise to separate itself from the rest of the competition and dominate the anti-aging industry.
posted by
Joe Chang – Chief Scientific Officer
How Can I Diminish the Appearance of Acne Scars?
Nu Skin Clear Action™ Acne Medication Night Treatment

The Nu Skin Clear Action™ System focuses on more than just visible acne. It’s a comprehensive system to help clear the signs of past and present breakouts and to ensure the future healthy look of your complexion.
One of the four products in the system, Nu Skin Clear Action™ Acne Medication Night Treatment contains retinol and patented alpha lipoic acid that work to diminish the appearance of remnant marks (uneven skin texture and discoloration) associated with past breakouts for a smooth, clear, evenly toned complexion.
This product treats the PAST issues of problematic skin in the following ways:
- Helps decrease the appearance of rough texture and discoloration from past acne.
- Smoothes and evens skin tone, reducing the appearance of discoloration caused by past breakouts.
- Helps minimize the appearance of scars.
Polishing Peel™ Skin Refinisher

Polishing Peel™ resurfaces and polishes skin to immediately deliver fresh, glowing complexion benefits that are clinically proven to be equivalent to a professional microdermabrasion treatment.
Polishing Peel™ features pumpkin enzymes to resurface, soften, and polish the skin and bentonite clay to remove dull skin cells and toxins. A convenient alternative to professional microdermabrasion treatments, Polishing Peel™ delivers a fresh, healthy complexion.
Nu Skin 180° Cell Renewal Fluid

Featuring a powerful 15 percent concentration of the polyhydroxy acid (PHA) gluconolactone, Nu Skin 180° Cell Renewal Fluid gently but effectively accelerates cell renewal to reveal smoother more youthful looking skin.
Product Benefits:
- Promotes healthy exfoliation, accelerating skin cell turnover for a vibrant, more youthful complexion.
- Limits the degradation of the skin’s structural proteins.
2010年7月20日 星期二
What Nu Skin products can I use to diminish discoloration?

If you are interested in addressing multiple signs of aging in addition to discoloration, I would suggest using ageLOC Transformation. The system’s star product, ageLOC Future Serum, provides amazing skin benefits including improving discoloration by 56 percent and evening skin tone by 70 percent*.

If you are interested in focusing primarily on improving discoloration, I would suggest using Nu Skin Tri-Phasic White. This clinically proven system minimizes dark spots and targets the three phases of skin discoloration – activation, synthesis, and expression – to give you even-toned, glowing skin.
2010年7月14日 星期三
AgeLOC Science In The News
2010年7月13日 星期二
食ageLOC supplement 會点
2010年7月10日 星期六
2010年7月9日 星期五
ageLOC Ingredient Featured in Industry Magazine
The article focused on research that shows the effect of salicin, an active ingredient unique to Nu Skin ageLOC skin care products, on the expression of specific proteins that are known to protect cells from damage caused by stressful conditions, including UV exposure.
The proteins, known as heat shock proteins (HSPs), are expressed in all organisms in response to elevated temperatures and other external stress factors. The proteins protect cells, and also work with newly formed proteins to ensure proper functioning and interact with other molecules to help repair cells. These roles make HSPs an important target for topical ingredients that address skin aging, repair and protection from damaging conditions.
The study concluded that salicin not only induced the expression of certain HSPs and HSP regulators, but also down regulated genes that inhibit HSP expression. This dual-action approach to influencing the activity of specific HSPs provides a comprehensive mechanism of action in protecting cells from stress-induced damage.
“This study is one of several projects that the R&D team has successfully published to validate Nu Skin’s ageLOC approach of improving the appearance of skin by resetting the expression of genes associated with youthful skin,” said Knaggs.
Nu Skin’s ageLOC science targets the sources of aging by identifying youth gene clusters and using active ingredients that have the ability to reset youthful activity patterns of those gene clusters.
Here is an excerpt of the full article in Cosmetics & Toiletries:
Reducing Skin Stress Response with Willow Bark-derived Salicin
By: Remona Gopaul and Helen Knaggs, PhD, Nu Skin Global Research and Development; Anna Langerveld, PhD, Genemarkers LLC
Posted: June 28, 2010, from the July 2010 issue of C&T Magazine.
Heat shock proteins (HSPs) are functional proteins ubiquitously expressed in all organisms. Their expression is induced by elevated temperatures and other external stress factors.1 Research has shown that HSPs have several functions; for example, their expression protects cells from stress-induced damage.2 HSPs also act as molecular chaperones that bind to newly formed proteins to mediate their folding into the correct shape, ensuring proper functioning. In addition, they function in transport activities, interact with other molecules1 and mediate cellular apoptosis.3 Since HSPs play a significant role in regulating the processes associated with cellular protection and repair, they are an important target for topical ingredients that address skin aging, repair and/or protection from damaging conditions.
HSPs are classified by their molecular weight, size, structure and function. They are divided into several families, including: HSP100, HSP90, HSP70, HSP60, HSP40 and small heat shock proteins (sHSP). Recent skin research has focused on HSP70 and HSP27, a member of the sHSPs, which are predominantly expressed in keratinocytes. HSP27 expression increases simultaneously with keratinocyte differentiation and is considered a biomarker for cellular turnover in the epidermis.1 HSP70 helps to prevent melanocytes from undergoing apoptosis3 and since melanocytes protect cells from UV exposure, this could prevent skin damage caused by UV exposure.
Lab Practical: Formulating with Salicin
* Salicin is a water-soluble white powder that can be employed in various aqueous delivery systems in gels, emulsions and suspensions.
* Levels other than 0.5% have not been validated to deliver the benefits detailed in the present research.
* Salicin is stable in its natural form and in solution; it has a shelf life of two years.
* Salicin is not self-preserved. As such, Gram-negative and Gram-positive preservation systems are recommended for salicin-containing formulations.
* The addition of glycols is also recommended for increased efficacy and stability.
2010年6月18日 星期五
Joe Chang Taking ageLOC Inside
2010年6月14日 星期一
ageLOC story
Just in case anyone wants to know if this breakthrough non-surgical facelift works, a picture is worth… well… you tell me!
I used the revolutionary handheld device (“Galvanic Spa”) approximately twice a week, sometimes more sometimes less. I used the cutting edge products designed to stop and reverse again at the cellular level daily (“Transformations” – foaming wash/toner, serum, day moisturizer, and night moisturizer). I also used the “TruFace line corrector” almost nightly, and the “Body Shaping Gel” on my neck about once a week.
When I saw the photos side by side for the first time, I was stunned. I guess when I look in the mirror, I must animate my face to look nicer, so I hadn’t realized how saggy, puffy, and lined my face was when at completely at rest, as in the photos. Nobody ever told me I was getting that old, maybe because I always operate on the concept that the best cosmetic a person “over forty” can wear is a smile!
But I knew for sure that my eyelids needed a “blepharoplasty,” (eyelid surgery) because I could see my pillow-y eyelids from behind my own eyes. I also felt I was due for a brow lift and some fillers and botox for sure. Just couldn’t personally face the scalpel.
Well, without pain, poison or high expense, I got results in 90 days that seem more natural than a facelift, and I can hardly wait to see what I look like at 6 months and 12 months!
Here’s the Before & After story:

Areas I’m pleased with: eyelids, frown lines between eyebrows, brow, under eye area for bags, puffiness and lines, laugh lines, marionette lines, neck, jowls, scar on upper lip, pores, texture, and brown spotting.
These pictures are taken with no makeup, face at rest (no smile), same camera, same lights, same location, same photographer, no retouching. I think the one on the right is pretty darn good for a person my age… yes, I’m 66 and proud of it!
I hope you enjoy my little photographic demonstration! I’m going to make up some buttons with these 2 photos that say: “I’M GETTING YOUNGER! ASK ME HOW!
Feel free to pass these along to your friends… I’m SO thrilled to be a product of these patented products that have no equal, since they’re the ONLY ones that go to the actual source of aging at the genetic level. I’m curious to see what I look like when I hit my hundredth birthday! You’re invited!
2010年5月26日 星期三
辨識、鎖定、重設 — 直擊老化根源

【記者王蓉蓉/台北報導】自創辦以來一直在抗老化科學中扮演著領導者角色的如新集團(NU SKIN),繼早前推出ageLOC®護膚系列中首個暢銷產品「ageLOC®修身美顏Spa」後,今日在大中華區域大會上,隆重推出「ageLOC®煥新套裝」,包括潔面調理慕絲、精華液、日霜及晚霜,四款產品相互配合,發揮淨化、滋潤、更新肌膚的作用,改善8種常見的肌膚老化徵狀,如幼紋和皺紋、色斑、膚色不均、缺水、毛孔粗大等,令肌膚展現青春健康的一面;三天預購即創下2700萬美元的銷售佳績,該產品也將於七月份在台灣上市,預計也將為台灣抗老市場帶來新的震撼。
ageLOC®護膚系列引發大中華區購貨熱潮 預售將近3000萬美元
去年十月「ageLOC®煥新套裝」在NU SKIN全球大會首推時,三日內銷售額達1,600萬美金,打破集團歷來新產品上市的銷售記錄;在韓國今年一月時預售,共售出近65,000套,帶動當地第一季度業績急增達67%。NU SKIN大中華區總裁范家輝表示:「由於其他市場的客戶對『ageLOC®煥新套裝』反應熱烈、口碑不絶,已在中國大陸、台灣以及香港廣泛引起直銷商關注,大家都希望可以第一時間購買『ageLOC®煥新套裝』,感受其無可比擬的抗衰老效果。是次區域大會三地合共有近11,000位直銷商參與,突破過往與會人數,而有關ageLOC®護膚系列產品的預售已將近3,000萬美元,為過往年會產品銷售額的17倍!」
NU SKIN與美國史丹福大學及美國生命基因科技中心合作 研發專利基因重設技術有效抗老
NU SKIN執行副總裁暨首席科研執行長曾潤海博士解釋「:「ageLOC®是如新集團與美國史丹福大學及美國生命基因科技中心合作,經過多年的研究,成功研發能直擊老化源頭的科技。該基因重設科技就像一個放大鏡,能協助科學家在人體的25,000個基因中識
別影響人類老化過程的青春基因群組Youth Gene Clusters (YGCs);再利用專利技術鎖定並重設青春基因至年輕時狀態,調節控制肌膚結構、色素形成、水潤度及細胞代謝率,從而逆轉老化現象並維持年輕。」(附件一為有關ageLOC®技術的介紹)
除了目前上市的護膚保養品之外,明年也將再推出ageLOC®營養補充品。NU SKIN總裁暨首席執行長賀楚門認為ageLOC®的成功研發,是集團未來的盈利增長動力:「作為
全球首屈一指的抗衰老公司,我們絶對相信ageLOC®科技是抗衰老領域的一項革命性科研突破,為消費者提供了更前瞻的科研配方及卓越的抗老化產品。縱觀全球市場,ageLOC®系列產品,包括最暢銷的ageLOC®修身美顏Spa及率先於個別市場開始銷售的ageLOC®煥新套裝,已經成為公司歷史上最成功的新上市產品,在推出的首兩季,銷售業績已經達到8,000萬美金。NU SKIN預計ageLOC®產品推出的12個月內,將可超過1.5億美金的相關銷售額。展望未來,企業將繼續專注抗衰老產品研發,ageLOC®將是集團於未來十多年創新產品的核心基礎,亦將領先同業,鞏固如新於抗衰老市場的領先地位。繼護膚產品研發,NU SKIN現正積極研究把ageLOC®技術應用在營養補充品上,預期於一年內推出營養補充品,令消費者由內至外保持年輕的狀態。」
1) ageLOC®潔面調理慕絲
2) ageLOC®精華液
3) ageLOC®日霜
4) ageLOC®晚霜
2010年5月16日 星期日
Can I Use ageLOC Transformation If I Have Rosacea?
Although ageLOC Transformation is not targeted specifically for those with Rosacea, this system of products has been designed for all skin types, including those with sensitive skin. It is important to note, however, that every person’s skin is different, and some people may be sensitive to certain ingredients while other people with sensitive skin are not.
For this reason Nu Skin recommends that individuals with sensitive skin, existing skin conditions, or allergies use caution when trying new products. For these consumers Nu Skin recommends checking product compatibility by a pre-use skin test. Apply product in a small, inconspicuous area, such as behind the ear, before applying products to the entire face or body, and monitor for sensitivity for 24-48 hours.
Additionally, people who have allergies to a specific ingredient should carefully check product labels for ingredients that might cause sensitivity before using any product. Of course, all products should be used only as recommended.
Here are some other Nu Skin product recommendations, not designed specifically for those with Rosacea, but that may provide benefits for that skin type:
· Epoch Calming Touch Soothing Skin Cream- featuring yarrow and the powerful skin calming benefits of jewelweed, this soothing botanical brings long sought after relief to those experiencing red, rashy, itchy , or scaly, dry skin.
· Celtrex Ultra Recovery Fluid – featuring patented hydroxytyrosol—a powerful anti-oxidant from extra virgin olive oil-- this nourishing serum calms and protects skin by scavenging free radicals and protects your skin on the cellular level.
· Creamy Cleansing Lotion - keeps even the driest, most sensitive skin soft and hydrated while gentle, soap-free cleansers remove debris and pollution.
· Moisture Restore Day Lotion SPF 15 for Normal to Dry Skin - a high-performance lotion that hydrates, protects, and promotes vibrant, healthy-looking skin all day, every day.
2010年4月19日 星期一
Dr. Joe Chang's blood test
Okay, this is crazy. Dr. Joe Chang has already been testing the NEW ageLOC nutritional supplement on is heart, brain, and muscle tissue. The results after two weeks are below. Do you realize what this is indicating? This blood test (which is extremely costly) is SHOWING the genes that were reset only after two weeks!!! The different shades represent the activity of thousands of genes. By taking the ageLOC nutrition product, Dr. Joe was able to "reset" these genes to a more youthful state. This is the biggest discovery in anti aging... it's like discovering the fountain of youth. Contact us to understand more.
2010年4月15日 星期四
NU SKIN 邁向2.0世代 《ageLOC煥新系列》大中華區即將上市
【台灣商務新聞通訊社/陳信心 報導】
走進美商如新公司(Nu Skin)位在內湖的全新辦公大樓,七樓電梯門一開,自然的明亮與開闊的空間,頓時讓人心曠神怡。在台深耕18年,如新今年3月底喬遷至內湖,如新台灣分公司總裁姜惠琳說:「為提供員工更好的工作環境,一起邁向NU SKIN2.0世代。」
2009台灣業績成長15% 十萬直銷商邁NUSKIN 2.0世代
回顧NU SKIN台灣2009年15%的成長,台灣分公司總裁姜惠琳指出:「2010要成長25%。配合全球如新正積極地邁向2.0世代,台灣如新要做的第一個改變就是給員工一個完全開放的辦公室。新辦公室打破官階制式辦公空間,以360度的圓弧規劃讓同事們每個人溝通更無障礙;處處可舒適辦公的空間設計,更讓工作效率倍增;而少了主管辦公室的隔閡,也讓辦公室有更自然的光線,讓室內更加生氣蓬勃。」
受邀為如新設計辦公室同時也是台灣google辦公室設計師的吳興達(IDA),也稱讚如新勇於嘗試的精神:「如新辦公室主管沒有私密空間,全部明亮,只有小小的Phone Booth電話亭做為會議和談話的空間,相對許多傳統辦公室以私人空間代表地位與身份設計來說,再加上坐位360度的設計讓主管和員工全坐在一起,對如新的主管與員工們確實是一大突破。」
大中華市場2010年首月業績再創新高 NU SKIN股利持續發燒
為了慶祝台灣如新喬遷,如新大中華區總裁范家輝與全球業務暨營運總裁邱爾丹(Dan Chard)也特地撥冗來台,參加喬遷記者會,並說明如新在大中華市場的經營成果與全球直銷商表現。
如新全球業務暨營運總裁邱爾丹(Dan Chard)表示:「如果你是NU SKIN股票的持有者,那我不禁要恭喜你,因為短短一年之內,NU SKIN的股價一年就翻了3倍多!從2009年3月的8.04美元到2010年3月的30.18美元;這說明了NU SKIN公司深獲投資人信心。」根據如新全球辦公室的報告指出,2009年一年共發出5億5千1百萬美元(新台幣176億3千2百萬元),目前全球累積至今已發出70億美金的獎金(新台幣2240億元),預估2010年NU SKIN全球業績目標將達14億美金,預估再成長6%。
2010發展抗老商機 台灣如新五月推出《ageLOC煥新系列》
2010年4月13日 星期二
很多公司都只是對抗衰老的表徵作為產品的主打和宣傳, 但是NuSkin的ageLOC的發現和研究, 讓我們能夠直擊老化的根源,此發現讓NuSkin在眾多競爭對手中脫穎而出,ageLOC可運用在個人保養和營養保健方面研發出突破性的產品,這劃時代的突破, 對於抗老化科技領域意義重大, 沒有任何一間公司能像NuSkin的ageLOC一樣直擊老化的根源探究青春的奧秘.
ageLOC能夠直擊老化的根源辨別青春基因群組(Youth Gene Cluster), 擁有重設青春基因群組的專利技術,活出年輕,青春不再是夢想. 最新研究告訴我們,人類老化的最終根源是在於基因. 基因--是人類生命之初,也是人類老化的根源. 每個人是由2萬個以上的基因所組成. 這些基因就如無字天書, 讓人難以一窺它的真相,幸好NuSkin在ageLOC抗老化科技上有了領先性的突破.它好比強大的基因搜尋引擎能精確辨別出跟老化有關的基因,即是青春基因群組(Youth Gene Cluster). 你看來是否年輕,其實是青春基因在你體內的"俢復能力"和"損害能力"間較量的結果, 比如:肝臟, 當"損害能力"大於"俢復能力"時, 肝臟開始產生病變. 但一旦重設青春基因群組, 讓俢護基因活性增加,損害基因活性下降, 就可使肝臟功能回到年輕時的模式,不僅內在器官機能可回復年輕狀態, 外在肌膚也是一樣. ageLOC科技證實肌膚在7天後一樣得到8大改善.
2010年4月8日 星期四
ageLOC Spa facial technique

With all of these movements, gently come back to the starting position and repeat several times.
NOTE: Check with your physician before using the Galvanic Spa® System ll if you are pregnant, have a pacemaker, are epileptic, wear metal braces on your teeth, or have a metal implant. The Galvanic Spa System ll should not be used over an area with many broken capillaries or over an inflamed or open wound. For full instructions and warnings, please read your user manual. |
2010年3月27日 星期六
ageLOC overview
By 2015, the anti-aging industry is expected to grow 76 percent.
The potential for growth in the anti-aging market is not only expected to skyrocket, its here for the long term.
ageLOC is NuSkin exclusive technology and unique products. Nu Skin continues to stay relevant by marketing innovative and scientifically validated products, as well as by paying the highest percentage of revenue in distributor commissions of all direct selling companies listed on the New York Stock Exchange.
2010年3月18日 星期四
2010年3月1日 星期一
ageLOC 後生20年,不老藥,世紀突破
2010年2月4日 星期四
ageLOC Galvanic Spa System II Facial Treatment Demo
Part 2
Part 3
2010年1月4日 星期一
新ageLOC Galvanic Spa System II
她的自動調節微電流專利技術配合 新的ageLOC美顏導頭能輸送高達5倍的ageLOC成分輸送至肌膚底層,直擊老化根源。ageLOC修身美顏Spa擁有6項專利設計,超輕巧、超智慧及超功效。 全新智慧型預設一按通功能、能一按選取所需的面、身體或頭髮護理, 並新設背光顯示屏及音效提示,其美顏導頭的獨特坑槽設計更能讓ageLOC美顏精華與肌膚保持更佳接觸,促進ageLOC成分滲入肌膚中。讓您於家中享受既奢華又方便的抗老化Spa護理。
使用就更簡單, 5 steps:
step 1 做面的pre-treatment gel,
step 2 做面的treatment gel,
step 3 做line corrector,
step 4 做 body shaping gel,
step 5 做 頭髮.

In case, 你問傳統的Galvanic Spa system II 的樣, 下一張相就是: