2010年4月19日 星期一

ageLOC before and after photos

Above lady just used ageLOC for 10 days. This is so amazing!!!

More ageLOC pictures...... seriously, we are sitting on a gold mine!!!!

Dr. Joe Chang's blood test

Okay, this is crazy. Dr. Joe Chang has already been testing the NEW ageLOC nutritional supplement on is heart, brain, and muscle tissue. The results after two weeks are below. Do you realize what this is indicating? This blood test (which is extremely costly) is SHOWING the genes that were reset only after two weeks!!! The different shades represent the activity of thousands of genes. By taking the ageLOC nutrition product, Dr. Joe was able to "reset" these genes to a more youthful state. This is the biggest discovery in anti aging... it's like discovering the fountain of youth. Contact us to understand more.

Old joe:new joe

2010年4月15日 星期四

NU SKIN 邁向2.0世代 《ageLOC煥新系列》大中華區即將上市

來源:台灣商務網 記者:陳信心 發佈時間:2010/4/8

【台灣商務新聞通訊社/陳信心 報導】

走進美商如新公司(Nu Skin)位在內湖的全新辦公大樓,七樓電梯門一開,自然的明亮與開闊的空間,頓時讓人心曠神怡。在台深耕18年,如新今年3月底喬遷至內湖,如新台灣分公司總裁姜惠琳說:「為提供員工更好的工作環境,一起邁向NU SKIN2.0世代。」

2009台灣業績成長15% 十萬直銷商邁NUSKIN 2.0世代

回顧NU SKIN台灣2009年15%的成長,台灣分公司總裁姜惠琳指出:「2010要成長25%。配合全球如新正積極地邁向2.0世代,台灣如新要做的第一個改變就是給員工一個完全開放的辦公室。新辦公室打破官階制式辦公空間,以360度的圓弧規劃讓同事們每個人溝通更無障礙;處處可舒適辦公的空間設計,更讓工作效率倍增;而少了主管辦公室的隔閡,也讓辦公室有更自然的光線,讓室內更加生氣蓬勃。」

受邀為如新設計辦公室同時也是台灣google辦公室設計師的吳興達(IDA),也稱讚如新勇於嘗試的精神:「如新辦公室主管沒有私密空間,全部明亮,只有小小的Phone Booth電話亭做為會議和談話的空間,相對許多傳統辦公室以私人空間代表地位與身份設計來說,再加上坐位360度的設計讓主管和員工全坐在一起,對如新的主管與員工們確實是一大突破。」

大中華市場2010年首月業績再創新高 NU SKIN股利持續發燒

為了慶祝台灣如新喬遷,如新大中華區總裁范家輝與全球業務暨營運總裁邱爾丹(Dan Chard)也特地撥冗來台,參加喬遷記者會,並說明如新在大中華市場的經營成果與全球直銷商表現。


如新全球業務暨營運總裁邱爾丹(Dan Chard)表示:「如果你是NU SKIN股票的持有者,那我不禁要恭喜你,因為短短一年之內,NU SKIN的股價一年就翻了3倍多!從2009年3月的8.04美元到2010年3月的30.18美元;這說明了NU SKIN公司深獲投資人信心。」根據如新全球辦公室的報告指出,2009年一年共發出5億5千1百萬美元(新台幣176億3千2百萬元),目前全球累積至今已發出70億美金的獎金(新台幣2240億元),預估2010年NU SKIN全球業績目標將達14億美金,預估再成長6%。

2010發展抗老商機 台灣如新五月推出《ageLOC煥新系列》



2010年4月13日 星期二



很多公司都只是對抗衰老的表徵作為產品的主打和宣傳, 但是NuSkin的ageLOC的發現和研究, 讓我們能夠直擊老化的根源,此發現讓NuSkin在眾多競爭對手中脫穎而出,ageLOC可運用在個人保養和營養保健方面研發出突破性的產品,這劃時代的突破, 對於抗老化科技領域意義重大, 沒有任何一間公司能像NuSkin的ageLOC一樣直擊老化的根源探究青春的奧秘.

ageLOC能夠直擊老化的根源辨別青春基因群組(Youth Gene Cluster), 擁有重設青春基因群組的專利技術,活出年輕,青春不再是夢想. 最新研究告訴我們,人類老化的最終根源是在於基因. 基因--是人類生命之初,也是人類老化的根源. 每個人是由2萬個以上的基因所組成. 這些基因就如無字天書, 讓人難以一窺它的真相,幸好NuSkin在ageLOC抗老化科技上有了領先性的突破.它好比強大的基因搜尋引擎能精確辨別出跟老化有關的基因,即是青春基因群組(Youth Gene Cluster). 你看來是否年輕,其實是青春基因在你體內的"俢復能力"和"損害能力"間較量的結果, 比如:肝臟, 當"損害能力"大於"俢復能力"時, 肝臟開始產生病變. 但一旦重設青春基因群組, 讓俢護基因活性增加,損害基因活性下降, 就可使肝臟功能回到年輕時的模式,不僅內在器官機能可回復年輕狀態, 外在肌膚也是一樣. ageLOC科技證實肌膚在7天後一樣得到8大改善.


NuSkin大中華區總裁 -- 范家輝先生, 接受創富坊訪問

2010年4月8日 星期四

ageLOC Demonstrate

ageLOC Spa facial technique

It's All In The Motion

With all of these movements, gently come back to the starting position and repeat several times.

  1. Eye area: Following the bone structure around your eye, start under the eye and move up around the eye, holding firmly just under the eyebrow (DO NOT USE CLOSE TO EYELIDS OR EYES).

  2. SMILE LINE: Start just under the nose, move to the smile line and hold and then move straight upward and outward to the temple and hold.

  3. JOWLS: Start in the middle of the chin, below your lips, move up to the jowl line and hold and then continue in an upward and outward motion to the edge of your face just in front of your ear.

  4. FOREHEAD FOREHEAD FOREHEAD: Start at the bridge of your nose, move the instrument up to your “thinker lines” and hold, then continue on to your hair line. Move across the forehead using these same movements.

  5. NOSE/CHEEK: Hold the instrument at a 90-degree angle on the side of your nose and then move to the middle of your cheekbone and back. NECK NECK

  6. NECK: Start at the base of your throat. Move upward to the jaw line, hold for a few seconds, glide the unit back down to the starting position and then move upward and outward, holding each time at the jaw line, and then returning to the hollow of the throat.


  • Use as directed.

  • Keep your hand moist, with your fingers always touching the chrome panel.

  • When you touch the instrument to your skin you will hear one to three beeps as the instrument sets the current to your skin’s needs.

  • Always keep the instrument in contact with your skin. If you lose contact, return the instrument to your skin and resume.

  • Keep the facial conductor flat against the skin.

  • Work the instrument in upward, outward movements.

NOTE: Check with your physician before using the Galvanic Spa® System ll if you are pregnant, have a pacemaker, are epileptic, wear metal braces on your teeth, or have a metal implant. The Galvanic Spa System ll should not be used over an area with many broken capillaries or over an inflamed or open wound. For full instructions and warnings, please read your user manual.